Frequently Asked Questions

How can I change my user name, password, or contact information?
Click the "Your Account" text link at the very top of every page. This will take you to a form which is filled in with the information you submitted when you signed up. Change any information and click the "Update Account Information" button.

How can I purchase items which are available to my students?
On the right of the page, select "Products available to Your Student" from the list of links. This will take you to a page displaying only products available to the selected student.

Why was my credit or debit card declined?
If your card has been declined, please ensure that:
- your credit card is either a Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card.
   Note: bank cards and check guarantee cards are not accepted.
- your card has an expiration date of the current month or later
- your credit card number has been entered correctly (no dashes or spaces)
- the address associated with the card matches the address you've entered into the form
- the 3-digit security code on the back of your card is entered correctly.